A little change...
- from now on I will write some blogposts in english... Especially the travel stories.
Why? Because I think, that all of you who are reading my blogposts understand english very well, and that some friends from all over the world now have the possibility to understand, what I am talking about, too.
So let's see, if I paid enough attention at school during english lessons.
But that's not the only thing that will change this year. Some new gear just moved in, new social media accounts will have to be filled with content (are you on snapchat yet? Let's be friends, my account: verena.anne) and lots of ideas will come alive!
First of all I'll give you a little update of my "What's-in-your-camerabag"-blogpost.
Those of you, who met me last year on a wedding already know, that since I have my new camera strap I look a bit like a female John Wayne . But: carrying two camera bodies with my "holdfast money maker" is way more relaxing for my back and for being honest - also pretty cool, am I right? ;)
As you know that "I am Nikon", I shoot with my D800E and a D750. There are tons of advantages why to shoot with two bodies. First and most important one: having two different focal lengths at the same time.
Besides new camera equipment a MacbookPro moved in. I'm getting used to it, we get along :D
And with it some new programs for editing pictures and movies, some filters like Mastin Lab and VSCO etc.
So you see, I am prepared for the wedding season - can't wait to start!
Next saturday will be the first one. And I will go without my camera. What? Why? Because I am the maid of honour/ the marriage witness! And I am really looking forward to my new job!